I'm getting excited because in a about a week on Sept 5, we begin our study again with the book of Matthew. We'll be diving into an in depth study about the Life of Jesus and His ministry. At the beginning
of the year, I remember sitting at Panera Bread while listening over the phone with my friends and sister as we all discussed our New Year's resolution and goals. Here were the goals, I'd set that day over the phone with those ladies:
- To read my Bible more especially the New Testament and to begin to study the life of Jesus Christ.
- To honor and respect my husband and for God to teach me true submission.
- To grow this group @Ladies lets pray into a community of women that desire to know God with fellowship with like-minded women.
- To allow the Holy Spirit to guide and teach me
- To learn to truly love and forgiveness.
So, as we begin this journey next month, I am believing that those who participate will build on their spiritual life as this is a very pivotal book in the Gospel.
If you would like to join us, go over to www.ladiesletspray.com and sign up there. I will automatically email you a free study guide.
Here are some optional resources that I recommend for this study:
I. This is the journal below if you'd enjoy a whimsical study. You may purchase it on amazon before we begin here
3. Obviously a Bible: here are my list of bibles I prefer.
- Esv journaling Bible
- The NLT study bible
- The Message
4. Also you will receive the free study guide via PDF file , but if you'd prefer an actual hardcover then you may purchase one here
5. Here are the highlighting colors we'll be using for this study:

6. Join us at Ladies lets pray on Facebook, I will post daily scriptures. your discussions are welcome there. Please share and encourage other friends to Join us.
7. Leadership: As we continue to grow, we'll be looking for leaders that are interested in starting small groups in your area. Send me a message via the contact me tab if you are interested.
I can't wait to meet y'all soon!
Be blessed.
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:)thanks in advance, I truly enjoy reading all your comments. I hope we become friends
hugs and kisses. Osato